Let’s Focus on Enthusiasm
Thursday, January 25th, 2018Hello Everyone,
Welcome to 2018!
Enthusiasm is the elevating force that lifts your dreams up to the stars.
How are you all doing this January? At the beginning of the new year, many of us are encouraged to take the time to set goals and strategies for the forthcoming year. Some people advocate making lists and resolutions and, on the internet, we can find a multitude of suggestions for how to make a resolution and stick to it As I have written on previous blogs, at this time of year, while I am sure resolutions work for some people, for many they don’t. They don’t work because these resolutions are based on concepts and sometimes conditioned or learned beliefs about what we should or should not be focusing on, and has little to do with how we feel or where our heart is leading us.
When I feel into the experiences and projects I have committed to and completed, they were mainly fueled by the same thing:” enthusiasm”. Enthusiasm seems to generate its own energy, propels us into action and will help us to stay true to course even if the road gets tough.
Consider this quote taken from www.enthousiasme.info/en/: “Enthusiasm is one of the most divine feelings we can experience. It is energy vibrating at the highest level, energy vibrating in tune with creation. When we are feeling enthusiasm, we are on the cruise ship of divinity. Enthusiasm is what lets you know that you are right on track with your life. This divine feeling of excitement is your reward for heading towards your true soul purpose”.
So this January, I invite you to feel into what you are most enthusiastic about as you begin another year. Are there any projects that are falling flat that might be best let go of, or maybe just redefined so you can feel some excitement and enthusiasm propelling you forward?
On another note, I have set up a new Facebook Page which will provide another platform for me to share more of my musings as well as books, webinars and whatever else I feel can assist us all in leading healthier and happier lives.
My monthly musing will continue as is and will also be posted on the Facebook page You can find the link to the page below. Please feel free to invite your friends and colleagues, or anyone else you think might be interested, or benefit from this Facebook group.
As always, your comments and feedback are always welcome!!
Much love,