Nurturing our aliveness

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Fall!!

For many it is a favorite time of year as we reap the rewards of the beauty of the abundant nature that surrounds us. This summer I took some time to go deeper into my enquiry and reflections about what really contributes to our aliveness, our wholeness and our ability to be fully and authentically ourselves.

Early on my studies, and in my desire to support both myself and others to live happier, healthier lives I read everything I could on topics about happiness and what contributes to a fulfilling and successful life. I came across a quote early in my work as a therapist, which has been in many ways a guiding light and steering me towards my true north.

“Don’t ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive and go for it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive” – Howard Thurman

At the time, I was not exactly sure what Howard Thurman meant when he wrote this quote.

However, I interpreted it, and as Erin McLaughlan suggests the real question for most of us is:

“how can we nurture and take care of our aliveness while serving the needs of others”.

There are many things that contribute to our feeling alive and happy.  Joseph Campbell might have been one of the first to suggest we “follow our bliss”.  And, in fact, many recent scientific studies have confirmed that following our joy is indeed a crucial factor in feeling fulfilled and increasing our happiness quotient.

During the summer I came across another quote from Werner Erhard:

“The only two things in our lives are aliveness and patterns that block our aliveness.

He goes on to say that our aliveness is not something that we can obtain from something outside of ourselves, but moreover, it is already in us.  Our job is to remove the blocks and patterns that prevents our natural aliveness from bursting forth.

In the next blog I will start to explore some of the factors that I have found that contribute to patterns that might block our aliveness and thus our creativity and flow.

I invite you to join me in this enquiry and conversation as we are all in this together.  As always, I welcome your comments and emails.

Much love,


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