Life Loves You

This month I have been studying a book called “Life Loves You” by Louise Hay and Robert Holden.  This is a beautiful book filled with meditations, poems and exercises to consider the perspective that life is always there to support us.

One of the exercises that Louise and Robert recommend is “mirror work” or “mirror play” as Louise liked to describe it.  Many psychologists, counsellors and coaches use this exercise with clients to help them connect with their inherent self-worth.

The exercise goes like this:

  1. Take a mirror and seat yourself opposite it in a comfortable position
  2. Take a few deep breaths, look into the mirror and say to yourself “life loves you”. Repeat about 10 times.
  3. Note what comes up for you as you do this exercise i.e. thoughts, judgements, sensations. Notice how your body is feeling e.g. is there any tension or resistance coming up in the body as you engage in this exercise.

Once you have completed this portion, say to yourself “today I am willing to let life love me”.

Again, take some breaths and notice anything that comes up for you.

This exercise can be very revealing, both in allowing ourselves to consider the ways we already see that life loves us and also where there might be some resistance or doubts about this idea.  It might be that you find that you notice a fair share of self judgements or judgements by others.  Louise encourages you to be kind with yourself around this.  Judgements are  merely thoughts but just because we think them does not mean they are true.

The relationship we have with ourselves is paramount to our health and wellbeing.  When we can come from a place of self love and a sense that we can receive love, we will start to see mirrors in the world that reflect that.  It may also change the way we interact with the world.  Rather than coming from a place of fear or defensiveness we might be more receptive and open with others around us.

If you want to go more in depth into these concepts or this exercise you might want to look into the book “Life loves you”.  Or feel free to email me with your questions.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

Much love,


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