Compassionate latitude

How are you all doing.?   Summer is coming to an end and although typically summer is a time of rest and renewal many people are finding themselves still tired, stressed, and generally struggling after the intense time we have had over the last year and a half.

It is important to know, you are not alone in all this and just because we seemingly have more freedom there is still much division and conflict being displayed in the world which contributes to our levels of fear, uncertainty and unease.

It is a time to be extra gentle and kind to yourself and others.  Compassionate latitude is perhaps the practice for our times (  To be generous in our assumptions of others and a desire for the highest outcome for all concerned allows us to take life less personally and provide perspective and allowance for whatever might be going on.

Take some time to slow down and connect with how you best recharge your batteries.  In might be spending more time in nature.  Or engaging in creative pursuits that bring you pleasure and a sense of relaxation.  Please know that taking care of yourself is not an indulgence to be placed after your to do list is completed.  When we put our health and wellbeing at the centre of our lives then life flows better when we are resourced and reenergized.  

Wishing you a beautiful September.

Much love,


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