Prioritizing our health and wellbeing

The importance of prioritizing our health and wellbeing is an essential theme emerging from the pandemic.

Our bodies are inherently wise.  When we take the time to tune in and listen, we have access to much more information than if we rely on our intellect alone.  Our bodies know when we are hungry, tired, or overdoing it   We also know who we feel safe with and whom to go towards or not.   However, in many ways we have been trained not to listen to ourselves especially to our hearts and bodies.  We can rely on others telling us how we feel, or don’t feel or even should feel.   We can override our instincts just because we have been conditioned that way.   We can also be operating from a set of rules and beliefs which suggest taking care of our health is selfish or wrong.   Or there is something wrong with us rather than the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Many of the clients I work with feel exhausted and in some cases are suffering from burnout.  Allowing ourselves to slow down, take some time off and relax or reflect can be very difficult when we are not used to it.  At times our energy can be drained by worries or a stressful situation.  We are not machines, we are human beings.  In the same way we attend to our gardens at this time of year to make sure the plants have the right soil, nutrients and sun needed to thrive, we humans also need the same kind of loving attention to ensure we have all that we need.   It could be as simple as unplugging from technology and spending more time in nature.  Or evaluating how much exercise we are getting.  It might be something bigger like a job that we don’t like anymore or a difficult situation that is dysregulating our emotions and needing some resolution  

These are changing times, we can all feel it.  If you find that your old ways of living life are no longer sustainable know that you are right on track.  It might feel like a failure and you may be judging yourself or making yourself wrong.  In many cases it is just an invitation to do life differently.  We are highly creative and resourceful beings but it requires us to access and trust our inner wisdom and knowing.    Perhaps it is time to listen for what a heart led life might feel and look like.  Our hearts will often make different choices than our minds alone.  We can give ourselves permission to reset our values which include taking care of ourselves and each other.

Wishing you all a lovely spring and time to enjoy all that is budding within and around you.

As always please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hi.

In the meantime, much love,


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