Adding Heart to the Holiday Season

I recently attended a conference given by the Heartmath Institute, a wonderful organization that researches and teaches the science and value behind “heart intelligence”.   We are used to the notion that our brains have intelligences. but generally have considered that these intelligences reside in our brains not our hearts and guts.

I met a veteran at the conference who had served in Afghanistan and returned home broken and suicidal.  He was diagnosed with PTSD and had difficultly reconnecting with his wife and family.  He and his colleagues were offered an 8 week session during which they were able to practise heart math tools and learn how to establish heart coherence (when our heart, mind and emotions are in sync).  He recounted how these tools changed his life.  He now wakes up each morning and starts his day with a heart “lock in” and heart meditations.   He describes himself as “peaceful and full of joy”..

Recently Heartmath sent me a gift  This gift is a stone in the shape of the heart with the words “add heart” written across it.  It is easy to add heart to the people and things we already love in our lives, but what about the more challenging aspects of our lives.  Bringing our hearts to that which we resist can help us to soften, feel and integrate more fully our emotions around these life events

Here are some simple ways we can add heart to our daily lives

  • Spend a few moments in the morning or whenever you get a chance to pause and breathe in and out through the area of the heart. Bring to your awareness someone or something you appreciate about your life and bring that quality of appreciation into your heart and your body.  You might also  radiate appreciation to those that are close to you and to the world at large.  This is called a “heart lock-in” and you can find more about this meditation on youtube or the Heatmath website
  • Think about someone, could be close to you or an organization, or some challenge you are dealing with.. Take a deep breath and feel into fully what is going on for you around this situation..  Add heart to any resistance embracing your fears, worries and emotions.
  • Take an inventory into different areas of your life e.g. health, finances, family and consider what your heart might say about each of these areas. Are you making your decisions based on your “thinking” mind or are your following the intuitive guidance of your heart?
  • Practising staying connected to your heart and following its guidance will strengthen your trust in this guidance system. We say that the brain “thinks” yet the heart “knows”.  Trusting that inner knowing and acting from it despite what logic or other people might say takes courage and practice.
  • For those of you who enjoy technology, the Heartmath organization has an app and a sensor you can buy to tune in and bring yourself into heart coherence at any moment.

So my wonderful friends, this holiday season I invite you to remember to add heart on a daily basis extending it most importantly to yourself, holding yourself in love and self-compassion.  The spirit of Xmas is love and presence and those are the best gifts of all.

For more information about the science of the heart and ways to “add heart” visit

I love and appreciate you all for being part of my community and allowing me to express myself through you.  I receive many gifts from each of you and I hope you have from me.

Much love,



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