How do we handle change?

Welcome to my fall musing!

How are you all doing in this new season with cooler temperatures coupled with political turmoil!!  Change of any kind can evoke all kinds of thoughts and feelings.  Many of us experience discomfort in the face of change.  And yet what we know for certain is that life is full of change. Early Buddhism declares that there is nothing that is fixed or permanent.  Life is continuously changing and so are we.

Our ability to handle change and transitions can allow us to become adaptive and resilient.  However many of us live in resistance to change and that can feel like we are living life with the breaks on rather than letting go of the control.  Living life fully can be easier if we are willing to give up the control and allow ourselves to move through transitions as if change is on our side.

Tips to handle change

  1. Acknowledge the thoughts and feelings that are arising without judgement.  Notice where they are housed in your body (include sensations) and you might want to rate them from 1 to 10.  Accepting what is there is an important first step.
  2. Notice if you have a “story” running about the change that is happening.  Are we holding negative outcomes without really knowing what the future holds or is there a place for us to be open to possibilities and trust in life’s unfolding   Being honest about our perspective can help enormously.   Shifting our fears is sometimes just a thought away.   But it requires us to turn towards the fear, acknowledge it and then choose another way of seeing things.  Running from our feelings or avoiding the difficult ones is never the answer.

    You might be aware of a lot of mixed feelings and there is no need to rush through this step.  Slow down, breathe and take your time to acknowledge your experience.   For example, although not essential, grief can be a natural part of any change, even if the change seems exciting and full of promise.  Share your feelings with someone who can hold space for you without trying to fix or give advice.

  3. Journaling can be a helpful tool to give voice to our emotions  Or if you don’t have time to journal just write a list of all that you are feeling.  You can gently tap on the collar bone (one of the energy points used in Emotional Freedom Technique) while doing this which can allow the emotions and energy to dissipate.
  4. Take some deep breaths by lengthening the exhale that can signal calmness and safety to our nervous system.  Allow your body to guide your activities and decisions.
  5. If the transition or change you are faced with seems overwhelming, you might want to reach out for support or find a trusted person to hold space for you.  Be gentle with yourself some transitions are easier than others to navigate.

As always, if you have any questions, I am always happy to hear from you

In the meantime, much love,


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